Sunday, September 15, 2024

Let's have a meeting

 The use of the ground floor "Media Cafe" at Broadcasting House is being challenged by one dogged FOI campaigner. He believes the public is not getting the access it should under the Section 106 agreement with Westminster Council as part of the planning permission for New Broadcasting House. 

In the continuing battle, he's now secured the release of internal bookings for the Media Cafe from 2017 to 2023, and it's a wonderful guide to the meetings culture of the BBC. Here's a few of the titles of sessions: 

Engineering Operations Wider Leadership Group
IR35 Updates to Stakeholders
Compete or Compare Change Workshop
DG Leadership Deloitte Workshop
BBC Pride Gathering
World Service Digital Summer Fair
Single Brand Stakeholder Engagement Session
How young people are changing the face of BBC News
Take Time Out: Well Being At Work
Rights Management in the News Industry
Culture and Career Progression Workshop
FCO Heads of Mission Breakfast Event
International Bureaux Managers Week
Leaving the BBC Seminar

1 comment:

  1. Breaking News : Shots near Trump. BBC News channel showing a prerecorded Americast and a QR code for live updates.


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