Friday, September 13, 2024

Information rich

 BBC News Online's 'most watched' list at 0830 today. 

At No 1, snippets of what looks like a promotional film from the Red Arrows, flying over Niagara Falls. "Crown copyright/MoD" flashes briefly in the top right. Entertainingly, this will count in the BBC stats as BBC Local news from Lincolnshire. 

At No 2, police-released footage from a cyclist's rear camera, showing a car passenger about to shove him off his bicycle. 

At No 3, "Entangled whale freed from nets after four-day rescue", posted by the BBC a day ago, posted by CBC on Wednesday. The BBC say the action took place off the coast of British Columbia. The coastline of British Columbia is some 16,000 miles long. CBC were a bit more site-specific, saying it happened in the 160 mile long Hecate Strait, and carried stats on how often this happens. No need for such useful information at the BBC. Just bash the clip out, eh ?

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