Thursday, September 5, 2024


The BBC is keen on transparency when it suits it. Yesterday there was news of job cuts in the BBC Nations & Regions, with a four-week window opening for those who would like an exit deal. The total of post closures required was put at 115. BBC Wales, part of the 'Nations' gave more detail: 25 to 30 editorial and production roles, and 20 jobs in the operations department set to go, from a current total of 746 staff. BBC Local, which I think now equates to BBC England, will close 40 to 45 jobs; BBC Scotland will close 25 to 30 posts; and BBC Northern Ireland will lose 10 to 12 jobs.  I make that 100 to 117 posts, plus 20 in operations. 

The BBC said 115 jobs represented 3% of the workforce, which would suggest a journalistic team of 3,800 across the Nations & Regions.  The Annual Report puts the 2023 average headcount of individuals  across all services including support functions, in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland at 15,846.   115 jobs would be 0.7% of that figure. 

Meanwhile, in response to a detailed report from the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity, the BBC announced it will "invest a minimum of £80 million annually in content that meets the BBC’s creative diversity criteria for TV and Radio."  The report says in previous commitments of this sort, it's never been clear whether or not this is 'new money' or a re-badging of existing funds; it still isn't clear. 

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