Monday, September 30, 2024

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How news works. Danny Cohen is CEO of Access Industries, chairman Sir 'Len' Leonard Valentinovich Blavatnik. Access Industries bought into Israel's second most popular tv channel, Reshet 13, in 2019, acquiring a 52% shareholding. Danny Cohen is on the board. In March this year, they brought in Emiliano Calemzuk as Reshet 13 CEO.   In June, former politician Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich was appointed CEO of Channel 13 News - later Sir Len said he wasn't involved. Yulia is a former member of the Knesset (2009-2013) for the Likud-allied Kadima party, and she has publicly supported Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Her first move was to cancel the channel’s most watched peaktime news show, War Zone, presented by Raviv Drucker. Drucker’s work has in the past led to a number of criminal charges against Benjamin Netanyahu. Channel boss Calemczuk said he didn't understand the Israeli public's "obsession" with news programmes. A newsroom revolt led to the channel agreeing to remove Shamalov-Berkovich and War Zone is now back on air. 

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