Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Mark Byford has resigned as senior non-executive member of Winchester Cathedral Chapter. 

 "As a matter of both deep reluctance and deep disappointment, I have decided I should stand down as the Senior Non-Executive Member of Chapter at Winchester Cathedral. I have given a great deal of thought, and, indeed, prayer in relation to this move recently."

"Unfortunately, and with great sadness, I have come to the conclusion that it is in the best interests of the Cathedral, myself and associated relationships within Chapter, that I take this course of action. I will not be making any further comment at this time and I would be grateful if this can be respected at such a challenging period both for the Cathedral and myself." 

His departure seems to have triggered more action. A spokesperson for The Bishop of Winchester, Philip Mounstephen, said: “On Tuesday, June 18 the Bishop of Winchester was informed of the resignation of the senior non-executive member of Winchester Cathedral Chapter. In the light of that significant development in the Cathedral's governance, the Bishop has decided to commission an independent review, under the terms of the Cathedral's Measure 2021, into the events that have led to this.”

Events leading up to this hoo-ha include the apparent ousting of the Cathedral's Director of Music Andrew Lumsden in May, after 22 years in post. It had the look of a resignation, but there've been rumours of settlements and non-disclosure agreements, and questions about the actions of The Precentor, Canon Andy Trenier.  Canon Trenier has "particular responsibility for the organisation, development and delivery of the liturgy and music of the Cathedral".  

Mr Byford has been a member of the Chapter since 2017. His bio says "He chairs the Cathedral’s Nominations Committee and inputs strategically on communications via the Editorial Group. He is also a listening voice on Chapter for the Volunteer Section Heads who coordinate the Cathedral’s 800+ volunteer community. He brings to Chapter extensive experience of high-level leadership and management."

Traditionally, in most organisations, the senior non-executive soaks up bullying claims and whistleblowing. 

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