Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon

The BBC sometimes doesn't act like the BBC. They've poached Matt Chorley, from Times Radio, to fill the afternoon weekday slot about to be vacated by Nihal Arthanayake. 

"After eight incredible years at The Times, including four years having the time of my life on Times Radio, I’m slightly stunned to be joining the amazing team at BBC Radio 5Live to launch a brand new daily politics show in the autumn.

It’s exactly 20 years since this Somerset boy arrived in London with his three A levels, 100 words per minute shorthand, vast collection of Elton John records and a dream. But I could never have dreamt that one day I’d make it to the actual BBC, and in a huge general election year too."

Matt, 42 (Richard Huish College and the Taunton Times) loves Westminster politics but is quick to highlight its daftness. I bet he won't present from Salford often. 

1 comment:

  1. Hang on, does this mean 5 Live will have to cover 'Breaking' stories between 2-4pm? Much more of this and it'll be a news station again.


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