Saturday, September 16, 2023

Learned friends

Team players and in lockstep most of the time, I'm sure, but BBC Director of Nations Rhodri Talfan Davies is once again in a legal contretemps with his Head of Audio and Digital, BBC England, Chris Burns. 

Rhodri and his executive colleague Gautam Rangarajan, front the management view that they should be able to change previous commitments to the BBC Pension Scheme and reduce payments on 'old schemes' because they're out of kilter with the new, cheaper-to-the-BBC, schemes. Chris Burns is the Designated Beneficiary. Her position - it's wrong - (defined for her perhaps by her legal team from Stephenson Harwood LLP, plus two specialist pensions barrister, funded from the licence fee) won the day in the High Court in July. 

Rhodders is having another go, taking the case to the Court of Appeal, presumably with the same legal team of Michael Tennet KC and Edward Sawyer (instructed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP) funded from the licence fee. The entity that is "The BBC Pension Scheme" will also be legalled up, but takes a neutral view.  Could take another year to resolve. 

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