Thursday, August 17, 2023


The Times tells us there's an internal investigation into the process that selected which BBC news presenters to retain as the BBC World News and BBC News channels merged. You'll remember that, after interviews at the start of the year, all those selected for the five roles as Chief Presenters spookily came from the BBC World side. Others in the pool were given roles bolstering the BBC1 presentation rota. But at least five turned down redundancy, and, one suspects, may have declared a 'grievance'. They are all still on the payroll, but not even called on in the dog days of August to help out on BBC News, with casuals and try-outs filling the schedules. 

For a grievance hearing, a manager from another BBC division is brought in. The Times says it's Daryl Maitland  (Long Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge; Nottingham Trent University, and most recently High performance leadership programme, Said Business School, Oxford).  

He's Head of HR at BBC Studios, reporting to Dr Jabbar Sardar, Director of HR at BBC Studios. Both Mr Maitland and Dr Sardar previously worked at CAFCASS, the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. Dr Sardar was there from 2006 to 2015, Mr Maitland from 2008 to 2016. Mr Maitland joined Mr Sardar's Studios team in 2018. 

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