Monday, August 28, 2023

Base rate

How much is it worth to host a top podcast ?   In recent weeks, The Times has more than once suggested that, with Gary Lineker's company, Goal Hanger, you can earn around £70k a month. 

That's the figure they first put as likely earnings for Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook, co-hosts of The Rest Is History. For that, Tom and Dominic made 13 editions in August; they also do a number of live shows a year, a quarterly Zoom quiz, personalised messages, and attend two parties a year, for 'members'. 

On Friday, The Times again attached £70k a month each, as likely salaries to Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, hosts of another Goal Hanger production, The Rest Is Politics. 

Not perhaps, surprising then that Louis Theroux, who started podcasting under the Radio 4 banner with "Grounded" during Covid lockdown, took his services exclusively to Spotify this year. 

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