Monday, July 31, 2023


One suspects Rhodri will have a busier morning than most today. The Mail has decided that 'something must be done' about Carol Vorderman's tweets. Carol, perhaps currently most famous for wearing tighter clothes than most 62-year-olds, has a weekly show on BBC Radio Wales. "Hi, Vorders here" is co-hosted with former Hollyoaks actor Nathan Sussex, and features interviews, dedications and challenging music like Bananarama, Thin Lizzy and Duran Duran. 

The Mail shared the views of South Thanet MP Craig McKinlay "Whichever way you look at it, she is she has flagrantly crossed any boundary of impartiality, fundamental to the BBCs charter, and is indulging in in very anti-Conservative rhetoric. She's using her not insubstantial Twitter following, which will only go up on the back of her BBC programme, to actually promote a political viewpoint. Gary Lineker crossed some boundaries, but they seem almost mild compared to the the new space that Carol Vorderman is occupying and it's time the BBC reminded her of their own guidelines."

The paper was unable to elicit a BBC response, but Director of Nations Rhodri Talfan Davies will be asking his old team in Wales to find a line and quick. 

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