Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Specialists ?

"BBC Local" has started to post jobs for "Core Journalists" that will deliver Rhodri and Jason's desired online eyeballs.  Some stations are still in the middle of the chaos caused by the duo's insistence on shedding existing staff they deemed incapable of re-training. 

When you look at the 'skills' required to be one of this new breed, it's hard to see how it wouldn't have been cheaper, nicer, and quicker to spend the redundancy fund on a few courses... 

Knowledge, Skills, Training & Experience
The ideal candidate will meet the following criteria;  
Have sound editorial judgement, making decisions on matters of editorial sensitivity under pressure.
You should be curious in your approach to delivering original journalism. 
Able to write clean, accurate and concise copy with quick turnaround times, for publication on the BBC website. 
Be familiar with social media in a news context and know how to make the most of various platforms to reach a range of audiences 
Understanding of SEO within a news context to help our stories reach the people most interested in and impacted by them. 
Comfortable with creating video content for social platforms, particularly aimed at younger and female audiences 
A keen eye for strong imagery to make stories standout online and be able do basic photo editing.

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