Monday, July 24, 2023

Set beams to deflect

BBC response to complaints about excessive coverage of Huw Edwards: 

We believe our coverage of this story was proportionate, reflecting the significance of the issues raised. However, we realise not everyone will agree with the stories we cover and the prominence we give them.

BBC response to complaints about excessive coverage of Philip Schofield:

We believe our reporting of this story has been proportionate, reflecting the gravity of the issues at hand.  However, we realise not everyone will agree with the stories we decide to cover or the prominence we give them.

BBC response to complaints about excessive coverage of Gary Lineker's tweet. 

We believe our coverage of this story has been proportionate, fair and duly impartial.

BBC response to complaints about excessive coverage of Harry and Megan's Netflix series

While this may not be a story of interest to everyone, we believe our coverage has been
proportionate and duly impartial, reflecting public interest.


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