Friday, June 30, 2023


Off my chest time: Nick Robinson and Amol Rajan are bad for each other. They regard themselves as entertainers on a par with Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett ('It's the Today programme with me and him' was a recent air check from Robinson). Both are capable of crisp, clear and focused discussions, but too often they both spread interviews with larded intros, self-regarding questions, and toe-curling thank-yous and paradiddles (tish-boom, how smart I am).  The inevitable overruns squeeze subsequent slots and the whole programme becomes lumpy, with more 'we're out of times' than is comfortable or necessary. 

This morning, two minutes from the 9am pips, they had to fit in around a minute of tree nonsense, yet show-runner Rajan strolled through pips like Theresa May through a wheat field.  

In other matters, Director of Speech Mohit Bakaya has clearly instructed Controller of Radio 4 Mohit Bakaya that it's OK to mention Radio 5Live, with this week a test of trails for the Nicky Campbell coming as a choice of listening at 9.05am. They don't yet mention that Mr Campbell is also available on BBC2 and BBC News. 

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