Monday, April 17, 2023

Levido double

BBC morning bulletins on Radio 4 have opted to lead with 'new smart motorways scrapped', and 'maths til you are 18', on successive days, oblivious to the impending local elections. 

On Sunday, picking up from the Telegraph, there was little history of the various construction-led investments to get more traffic moving on motorways this century. Backed by parties of both colours, it's the Tories who've sanctioned serious spending on the schemes, and slowly realised the mistake. This 'halt' is not a reversal - could we have had an estimate of the spend so far, and what it might cost to make the remaining 'smart' motorways 'safe' again ?

Today, Radio 4 decided that a line about 'maths til you are 18' was the most important story to wake the UK audience. First raised by Rishi Sunak in August 2022, announced by Rishi Sunak in January, 2023, it was back to lead the agenda, as a preview of a Sunak speech. This despite the BBC News online version today noting "the government has acknowledged this aspiration will not be achieved before the next general election."

As we've mentioned, there are local elections on 4th May, and Mr Levido has a grid to push buttons and control the agenda. Will the BBC break free ?

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