Sunday, April 16, 2023

Beat the Busby

Interim BBC News Managing Editor Philippa Busby - one time on-air money expert for Chris Evans when he was on drivetime at Radio 2 - is trying to save money. 

So she's written to the BBC's Senior News presenters and those one rung down (how many rungs are there ?) asking, politely, if they've ever thought about taking a deal and leaving the mothership.  If it's crossed their mind, the next step is a confidential chat with Tim Burden, in HR, when he's around. 

So what's the plan, Pippa ?  See who bites, and then see if you can manage without them ?  That would suggest that there's been some overstaffing, which, is NOT A GOOD THING, especially in a division run previously so rigorously by Alan Dickson that he's been promoted to CFO across the whole BBC. How, for example, can the Today programme rota possibly survive without the presentation skills of Justin Webb, Nick Robinson, Martha Kearney,  Mishal Husain, Amol Rajan, Simon Jack, Sean Farrington, etc etc.  Or TV News bulletin slots on BBC1 run without Huw Edwards, Sophie Raworth, Clive Myrie, Fiona Bruce, Mishal Husain, Reeta Chakrabati, Jane Hill, Tina Daheley and more ?

OK, see who bites, let them go and then buy in someone cheaper and younger. Not good - equal pay for equal work is still a thing, as Samira Ahmed reminded the BBC in comparing her perceived value to the organisation with Jeremy Vine. 

OK, reduce numbers and make a smaller team work harder. Harder ? Have you not heard of MENTAL HEALTH ? 

If anyone finds the plan, please let me know....

1 comment:

  1. This is not the first time presenters have been told they may not be essential to the corporation. I was editing a Radio 4 news programme when my presenter received a similar email from a former Managing Editor. He was due to go on air in an hour. "Should I just leave now?" was his response.


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