Thursday, February 23, 2023

The whole story ?

Minutes of the BBC Board meeting on 26th October last year have been published.  That's just five days before the announcement of cuts to BBC Local Radio from 2pm each weekday, with dedicated local programming to be replaced by regional offerings. 

If the minute is a full record of the discussion, these cuts weren't raised at Board level; if the minute is a partial record, yet still approved by the next meeting, you can see that the Board hasn't recorded this important element of the changes planned by Nations & Regions; symptomatic of a very poor level of care about radio.  

The Board noted an update from the Director, Nations on changes to local services which were due to be announced. Online news services would be boosted by dedicated journalists in every local base to deliver an up-to-date, trusted service across the week. In addition, new dedicated local online services for Bradford, Wolverhampton, Sunderland and Peterborough would be launched. The plans would also see the closure of the local television news programmes in Oxford and Cambridge and the decommissioning of We Are England. Plans for a simplified standard operational model were being developed and would come to a future Board meeting.

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