Monday, February 13, 2023

Plan B

Today, somewhere in the murky back channels of the BBC 'secretariat'/DCMS muddy waters, a small team of anonymous fixers from both sides will be working on transition. 

If Richard Sharp has to go (and he has), what happens next ?  Timings are tricky; the Government has signalled that, if there's a footfault from the Heppinstall investigation of the appointment, that's enough. Mr Sharp may be alerted, and try to walk. Could he stay until the end of the financial year ?

Then should there be an interim ?  In theory, deputy chair Sir Damon Buffini should step up, but he was brought in by Sharp, who also quickly elevated him to 'deputy'. My guess is that 'senior independent director' Sir Nicholas Serota will be invited to cover. 

Can we pick up another 'also suitable' candidate from the process that led to Mr Sharp's appointment ? Diarists have speculated that they include three former Beeboids, Baroness (Tina) Stowell, Rupert Gavin and Baron Hastings. But if Heppinstall defines the process as flawed, we're surely looking at a complete re-run. 

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