Wednesday, February 8, 2023


It was close to a year ago that Richard Sharp re-organised BBC Board work, moving non-execs around from his position as chair of the Nominations Committee.  And it was then he created the Financial Approvals Committee.....

The Board also approved a delegation to a sub-group of the Board called the Board Finance Approvals Committee, (to consist of at least the Chairman, the Audit Committee Chair and the Group COO) to review and approve financial cases offline at the Board’s request. The Committee’s terms of reference, as proposed by Nominations Committee, were also approved. This system would allow more routine approvals to be handled offline and ensure that Board time was focused on the most significant or contentious approvals only.

The transparency commitment ? "Minutes will be published two months after they have been approved, which usually happens at the next committee meeting."  Or perhaps not at all, if cleared with the Cabinet Secretary. No minutes have been published. 

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