Monday, February 6, 2023

Digital article capability

"Hi! We’re the BBC News and Sport Articles Team and we're coming to you live from the internet. It's awesome of you to stop by. I'm going to inform you about this awesome role and compel you to apply for it."

Not me, mate. And I suspect a few other intelligent life forms will baulk at this sort of infantile come-on. 

"The vision and the mission .This is about a case for growth, and the choices, as the UK, to own it. Our BBC's legacy is also about our democracy and the answer must be to differentiate and not copy."

The BBC is responsible for 'owning growth' ?  You sure ?  Differentiate from what ?  Not copy what ?

"Research by the European Broadcasting Union shows that well-funded public service broadcasters goes hand-in-hand with democratic health. The greater their audience, the more citizens tend to trust each other. "

Even the blunt Google grammar tool suggests you need to make changes. 

"We are focusing on what personalisation means for the BBC both within News and Sport and across the wider BBC online product portfolio."

Still ?

"As our Senior Product Manager you'll add value by helping to define the proposition across the News and Sport portfolio, and developing our new pan-BBC digital article capability for the web, and your focus will be on the reading experience, starting with News and Sport.  The team’s current focus is on completing the storytelling feature-set required to bring all our journalists over to writing in the new articles, and once that’s done we have an exciting opportunity to start to redefine what article-based storytelling looks like for the BBC’s diverse audiences."

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