Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Another fine mess

Interviewing BBC News presenters for their own jobs follows an unpleasant tradition that has persisted inside the Corporation since the days of John Birt. 

First step in the process: redefine the job in some marginal way. Then invite all current postholders to apply for fewer 'new' jobs. Then, through 'tests' and 'competence score cards' kid yourself that the people you selected and trained to do the job many years ago are now not good enough to keep on the books. 

It seems only presenters currently working on the few remaining UK news segments of the News Channel are being subject to this process. A marginally-fairer process would also examine the skills and talents of those presenting the World News bits, as it moves to swallow up the domestic agenda. But, hey, it's the modern caring, sharing BBC, ain't it, Tim ? 

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