Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Missing homework

The key element of the NAO report on the BBC's digital transformation is stark.  

"The BBC has not fully explored scenarios for any future shift to digital-only broadcasting"

"In December 2022, the director general of the BBC, in setting out a vision for where it should aim to be by the 2030s, stated that the BBC would be active in future in planning for the switching off of traditional broadcasting. The BBC has, however, to date only conducted limited work planning out scenarios in which it could potentially move away from traditional broadcasting at a more wholesale, strategic level. Nor has it set out those older services which it will protect, or the wider implications of removing certain broadcast channels for access by disabled audiences and other groups at risk of being digitally excluded."

"The BBC should identify, working with relevant stakeholders, including those at risk of being
left behind, scenarios for its proposed role of digital-only linear channels in the future."

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