Thursday, October 27, 2022

Youth audience

Sir Cliff Richard's rapprochement with the BBC continues this Christmas with a 60 minute BBC2 special featuring the 82-year-old singer. Part of it will be a sit-down interview with Sara Cox in Abbey Road; the remainder will be performances, with guests, at St John at Hackney. 

Cliff's links with Hackney go back sixty years, with Cliff as vice-president of the The 59 Youth Club,  based at St Mary of Eton (yes, that Eton) with St Augustine.  Here's a link to Cliff and the Shadows squeezing on stage in 1962, with Princess Margaret, Anthony Armstrong-Jones and various clerics. 

Sir Cliff's final settlement with the BBC added up to over £2m (plus £350k for South Yorkshire police) which a BBC spokesman said was within their legal insurance. Presumably they lost their no-claims bonus. 

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