Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Swift and bold

As this blog and others have noted, the contrived redistribution of BBC News tasks around the UK failed to convince many experienced hacks of its merit. In his monthly newsletter to reporting staff, Richard Burgess, the-manager-with-a-tendency-to-over-share, bids farewell to another 13.

I want to say thank you to those in World Service Business leaving the BBC following the team’s move to Salford. We’re saying goodbye to Philippa Goodrich, Marie Keyworth, Laurence Knight, Mike Johnson, Fergus Nicoll, Russell Padmore, Jamie Robertson, Sarah Stolarz, Vicki Broadbent, Matt Davies, Sarah Treanor and Edwin Lane. A special mention too for Martin Webber who is departing after leading the department for more than three decades. Good luck to all of you for the future and many thanks for all your sterling work over many years.

Without much of a pause for ironic reflection, Richard moves on to tell of his forthcoming leadership exchange with the commanding officer, 1st Rifles (We are swift and bold).  Only for two days, but you can expect a thought-through strategy, with identifiable benefits, in BBC News deployments. The Rifles will probably get a group email. 

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