Friday, May 6, 2022

Rewiring network radio

BBC Chief Content Officer Charlotte Moore has been observing the management of network radio since October 2020, and has now made her first significant structural intervention. 

Since the departure of James Purnell for academia, the network controllers have all reported directly to Charlotte. Now there are three directors: Lorna Clarke with Music, Mohit Bakaya with Speech and Jonathan Wall with Sounds. The losers are Alan Davey at Proms and Radio 3, who now reports to Lorna, and Heidi Dawson at Radio 5Live who now reports to Mohit. The anomalous BBC Audio department is not mentioned in the release, in limbo between the semi-commercial fish of BBC Studios, and the undoubtedly public service fowl it wishes to remain.  

All a little less tiring for Charlotte, but is it either cheaper or better ?

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