Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Cain and comms risks

 Gray finds evidence that Lee Cain, at least, had spotted the party risks... 

A No 10 Director declined the invitation and told the investigation that they had raised with either Martin Reynolds or his office that it was not a good idea.

Lee Cain, the then No 10 Director of Communications (a special adviser), also received the invitation. In response, he emailed Martin Reynolds, No 10 official (1), and Dominic Cummings at 14.35 on 20 May 2020 stating: 'I'm sure it Zill be fine - and I applaud the gesture - but a 200 odd person invitation for drinks in the garden of no 10 is somewhat of a comms risk in the current environment'. Lee Cain says
he subsequently spoke to Martin Reynolds and advised him that the event should be cancelled. Martin Reynolds does not recall any such conversation. In addition, Dominic Cummings has also said that he too raised concerns, in writing. We have not found any documentary evidence of this. 

WhatsApp discussion of another event: 

[Martin Reynolds] [18:31] 'No 10 official (1)¶s leaving drinks next week - can we discuss handling!´
[Lee Cain] [18:32]  'Yes - not sure how we do it but want to do something´
[Martin Re\nolds] [19:01] 'Is it safer to do a larger event indoors but with some people carrying on outside afterwards?´
[Lee Cain] [19:20] 'I'm not sure it works at all to be honest, which would be a shame. I don't see how we can have some kind of part though´
[Martin Re\nolds] [19:23] 'So  you are saying nothing for [No 10 official (1)]?´
[Lee Cain [18:32] 'I think it's your decision my friend, not mind [sic]! But it obviously comes with rather substantial comms risks´

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