Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Underlying unhappiness

BBC DG Tim Davie is more than a little miffed at the latest staff survey. For all his matey energy, it seems the messages aren't all getting across to the troops. 

As Editor in Chief, he might also like to consider the survey's take on morale in the engine room of News Content, formerly Newsgathering, managed for the past eight years by Jonathan Munro, and for the past few months in the interim custody of Richard Burgess. 

There, the top line message is doing, as you might hope, brilliantly. 

I understand the importance of impartiality and how to apply it to my role – 95%

But it all falls apart in pay and recruitment.   

Recruitment at the BBC is fair, transparent and open to all – 25%
The BBC’s pay principles are applied fairly and transparently – 18%
I believe action will take place as a result of this survey – 17%
I have seen positive changes taking place based on recent employee survey results – 13%

Seven years ago,  it was worrying when just a third agreed with the statement "There are fair, open processes for filling internal vacancies". This looks worse.  

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