Monday, February 7, 2022

No application form

Outgoing ITN CEO Deborah Turness, still apparently detained at her current employer's pleasure, says her impending move to W1A "is the hardest decision I've made in my career. I've wrestled with it. I felt deeply conflicted about which way to go. Every fibre of me is ITN". 

She reveals she didn't ever apply for the job, and turned down invitations twice. She said yes when they came back a third time, with a new remit and an enhanced title.

"I'm passionate about brands, innovation and adapting journalism to meet new consumer demands. I'm being given the opportunity to do that change with the biggest broadcasting operation in the world".

On re-joining a man she once left behind at ITN, Jonathan Munro, she says "I am really looking forward to working with him again. We worked very well. We have already spoken to each other".

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