Tuesday, January 25, 2022


In the year to December 2021, the BBC received 2,045 requests under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. It decided that 971 of these were outside the scope of the Act (though in 303 cases volunteered all or part of the information requested)

In 18 cases, when the ICO challenged the BBC's view that the information requested was held 'for the purposes of journalism, art or literature' and therefore protected, the BBC changed its mind and provided what was requested. 

(See comments below)


  1. Hi Bill,
    I don't think that's correct. The FOI response you link to is not as well phrased as it could be, but my reading of it is that there is only one case where after contact from the ICO the BBC decided the info was actually within the scope of FOI.
    Martin Rosenbaum

  2. Dear Martin,
    Odd not to declare, then, whether they agreed with ICO on these cases....


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