Thursday, December 9, 2021

Untangling notes

They'll get the hang of it eventually. Toilers supporting BBC Chairman Richard Sharp have released three more sets of board minutes, for June, July and August. Except that the link for June takes you to the August minutes.... 

Anyway, there were new tasks for some Board Members handed out in July. Sir Robbie Gibb, clearly a man of outstanding business acumen, was appointed Chair of the Fair Trading Committee as of 1 August; and the Chairman himself has to turn up for the Scotland Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee until further review. 

Richard Sharp already chairs the Nominations Committee, and Sir Robbie leads on England, but has yet to produce minutes of a meeting. 

The BBC, under the watchful, embedded eyes of the National Audit Office, has a Critical Projects Portfolio, to which things get added when they are either eye-wateringly expensive, becoming eye-wateringly expensive, or at risk of failure. The Board has added the Diversity and Inclusion plan and the BBC’s diversity commitments to the list. "This would ensure more detailed oversight of all aspects of workforce and creative diversity initiatives, with a monthly report submitted to the Operations Committee and subsequently to the quarterly Audit and Risk Committee."

We note that in August, a month after this meeting, Anne Foster, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, left the BBC (where she said she'd always wanted to work as a child) to return to a job in the Commons. Her BBC salary never bothered the list of those on more than £150k; a fair distance from that awarded to June Sarpong.  Maybe, as the Board recommended, there's an interesting topic for 'a more systematic approach to exit interviews'. 


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