Thursday, December 9, 2021

Huw and Hugh

BBC News is taking the knee in support of Tim "Across The UK" Davie, as he picks the next Director of News. 

Last night, it was clear that the producers of the 10 O'clock News have to insert new codes in presenter Huw's scripts - COFF and CON - which instruct the sensitive Welshman to put his black overcoat on for some items, and remember to take it off for others, as he travels the country to present from a balcony and shiny office desk, wherever the day's main news stories aren't happening. 

It's also clear that the directors are worried that this new on-the-road look might insufficiently distract from the programme content. So again, last night from Salford Quays, a perfectly standard explanatory interview with Health Editor Hugh Pym was visually interrupted three times by drone shots of the site - for 7 seconds, 11 seconds and 9 seconds, in a 2m 50 sequence.  

The logic is surely that, when back in London, Huw is doing one of these visually-boring factual interviews, the director should cut away to a shot of the lift shaft, with lifts moving up and down. 

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