Monday, December 6, 2021


As a former Today colleague of Rod Liddle and Tim Luckhurst, it's interesting to follow what happened at South College, Durham University last Friday night, when Rod was guest speaker at the invitation of Tim. 

South College is new, yet has perhaps surprisingly acquired a vintage veneer - with formal gowned dinners, a Latin motto (Libertas, Aequalitas, Civitas Totius Mundi, which they translate as Freedom, Equality and Global Citizenship), and a crest.  Here's the crest explained... 

Our crest includes the Torch of Liberty, St Cuthbert's Cross and an owl. The torch lights the way to freedom and enlightenment. It represents our support for the free exchange of ideas and individual liberty. St Cuthbert is the North of England's best-loved saint. His cross is a widely admired symbol of Durham University. It expresses South College's pride in the historic University and county of which it is part. Owls live in the woods near college. They represent wisdom. The the owl in our logo also represents a popular and distinctive College mascot.  Oswald, the carved wooden owl plays a central role in the college matriculation ceremony, at formal dinners, and at college balls. He is also represented on the college lectern. 

The dinner is being investigated at University level: "The University categorically does not agree with the comments reported from a speech given by an external speaker at this occasion, and is concerned at reports that the behaviours exhibited at the occasion fall short of those that we expect." Perhaps they'll be having a word with Tim in both his roles, as Principal of South College and as Associate Pro Vice Chancellor (Engagement) 

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