Friday, November 19, 2021

Sharp choices

Whilst we're all watching Government appointments to media bodies, perhaps we might also take an interest in the next moves from BBC Chairman Richard Sharp. He's leading the process to find a replacement for Baroness Grey-Thompson as a non-executive; her term's up at the end of December. (The Government has a direct say in who will represent Northern Ireland, still vacant). 

Meanwhile, there are anomalies at the BBC's Commercial Holdings Board. It was set up when BBC Studios, BBC Studioworks and BBC Global News were separate companies.  Studios and Global News have merged, and there's no real reason not to fold in Studioworks. Then you wouldn't need a Commercial Holdings Board, but a fresh set of non-execs on the main Studios Board. Meanwhile, non-exec Dharmash Mistry has been with the Commercial Board since 2014, and the Board is chaired by Dame Elan Closs Stephens, who's been quango-ing around the BBC since 2010. 

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