Saturday, November 20, 2021

Civic rejuvenation

 If this was your not-in-anyway-up-yourselves mission statement, who would you want in your gang ?

The New School of the Anthropocene is an experiment in transdisciplinary higher education devised by a group of academics from Cambridge and across the university world in collaboration with October Gallery London. 

NSotA is dedicated to addressing ecological recovery and civic rejuvenation through the arts. It is run cooperatively as an agile, non-residential institution. No degree will be awarded: a means of countering an anxious culture of accreditation. We aim to recruit from under-represented sections of UK society and run the School as non-bureaucratically as possible with minimal tuition fees, thereby freeing students from the tyranny of debt. 

We are a self-organising body with no managerial tiers. We intend to create a radical new model for higher education that could be replicated and rolled out regionally. The aim is to recover educational adventure and foster cultural confidence in a post-pandemic world.

Yes, dear reader, like me, you sort of knew Alan Yentob would be in it, here in dialogue with his Notting Hill neighbour, Franc Roddam, as part of NSotA Symposium 4: 'Education as Play and Restoring Social Ambition' :

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