Sunday, September 12, 2021

Roughhouse - 2

 In the Mail On Sunday, Katie Hind, Showbusiness Editor, continues to plough a furrow a little distanced from her usual fields.  After her hatchet job on Jess Brammar, she lays into two of the possible candidates to replace Fran Unsworth. 

Katie finds Beeboids ready to tell her that Jonathan Munro is 'divisive', 'a liberal leftie', a Marmite figure ‘who never takes blame for blunders’  ‘Jonathan has a gang. If you’re in it, then you’ll do well. If you’re not, then you don’t. You either love him or you loathe him.’

Meanwhile rival candidate Jamie Angus is ‘shy’ and ‘not wanting a public profile’. Katie finds a picture of him dressed for a 1960s themed party from Facebook. 

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