Saturday, September 4, 2021


Carol Midgley in The Times gave the latest edition of Imagine a four (out of five) star review. 

There were various interesting insights in Imagine: Bernardine Evaristo — Never Give Up, not least that the presenter Alan Yentob seems to have led a sheltered life. When he and Evaristo discussed that a character from her Booker prize-winning novel Girl, Woman, Other has an affair with her daughter’s husband, Evaristo explained she was drawing on decades of experience of “what goes on” in people’s lives. Yentob looked aghast. “THAT goes on?” he demanded, his face a picture of pure misery, “Sleeping with your mother-in-law?”

Evaristo looked equally aghast at his tender innocence. “Oh, come on, Alan, of course it does,” she said, adding that he obviously doesn’t read certain supermarket women’s magazines. Or watch The Jeremy Kyle Show, come to that. Amusing.

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