Tuesday, September 7, 2021

And they're off - are they ?

With some bravery, Guardian media editor Jim Waterson has announced that BBC Director of News Fran Unsworth is expected to announce plans to retire soon. Let's hope he's right: Mr Waterson's partner, Jess Brammar, is awaiting news on a job that is in Fran's gift, and firmly opposed by BBC non-executive Sir Robbie Gibb. 

It's probably not a bad guess that someone aged 63, with the prospect of an inflation-proof pension, might be considering their options. The problem is not hers; it's the succession. Kamal Ahmed, supported by James Purnell, was being groomed. James Purnell left in November 2020, Kamal in February 2021.  Jonathan Munro, from ITN, was brought in by James Harding in 2014; he is known internally for maundering monthly emails to his team, where everything in the garden is beyond rosy. His dabs are on the Martin Bashir appointment as Religion Editor. 

Fran's various board roles help Tim Davie with gender balance, but there isn't an obvious internal female successor. More to come, as they say....

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