Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Almost out

Andrew Neil is a man of certainties and incisive judgements. Both seem to have deserted him as he agreed to be the commercial and on-screen figurehead of GB News, and signed up formally in January as a company director.  One wonders if he had financial skin in the game beyond a salary - All Perspectives Ltd, though a private company, has shares. In April it issued 4.5m preference shares, through Panmure Gordon, alongside 13,500 ordinary shares. At that time, the company declared some new names with 'significant control', Christopher Chandler, Mark Stoleson, and Alan McCormick, all from Legatum.  

It's not an absolutely clean break - Neil has clearly agreed to appear at least once a week as a contributor to the Nigel Farage show on Mondays.  Leverage ?

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