Saturday, August 28, 2021

4 thoughts

The current 'establishment' seems to think they can keep Channel 4 just as it is, AND rake in some dosh for the Chancellor. 

Thus Culture Minister John Whittingdale at the Edinburgh TV Festival: “Channel 4 has always been a combination of very commercial content balanced with extremely distinctive, more edgy content. The brand is one of the attractions, and that will be preserved by the remit. We’re going to make it clear that the remit is there and will stay.”

Backed up by Ofcom Content Minder Kevin Bakhurst: “We can certainly put a framework around any broadcaster to make sure it delivers what’s set out.”

Many there will have preferred the analysis of indie Sanjay Singhal from indie Voltage TV: “John Whittinghdale says Channel 4 is not sustainable but 25 years ago, John, you put your hand up and said that because Channel 4 was making so much money that was the reason it should be privatised. If it’s really successful, privatise it, if it’s not, privatise it. You have an answer and you’re retro-fitting the problem you’re trying to solve. You have an agenda and an end point, and you’ve had it for 25 years, and it’s a punishment beating for the creative industry in this country."

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