Friday, August 14, 2020

Al on Tony

Part of Alan Yentob's tribute to Time Out publisher Tony Elliott, who died last month

" I was a new boy at the BBC in 1968 and it was thanks to Time Out that I made my first visit to the Roundhouse, and lapped up those Godard films at the ICA. Who knew I’d become addicted to those free early morning swims at the Serpentine in Hyde Park? I was a fan from day one and saw it grow from strength to strength. Tony Elliott was a pathfinder and an innovator. From a double-sided A2 sheet of paper in August 1968, Time Out blossomed in the early ’70s into an essential, inclusive guide to the London scene and it wasn’t just the copy and the content that impressed and stood out; the covers and the design were truly original and eye-catching thanks to the iconic Time Out logo commissioned by Tony from the brilliant Pearce Marchbank.....

My close friendship with Tony has lasted a very long time. I will miss him terribly as will my partner Philippa and our children. We were lucky to be able to spend time with Janey and Tony in those difficult last weeks. He couldn’t have been bolder or braver. We talked about the past and the future, about Janey and the boys, our family holidays, Brexit, Boris, Bowie and that eleventh-hour decision to name his new venture Time Out…

Alan Yentob is a writer and broadcaster"

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