Saturday, July 11, 2020

Face up

The core members of the Cummings administration are simply unaware of the realities of the world of work. It was first evidenced by Dominic Raab not quite grasping how much the Dover-Calais route matters to UK trade.

Now they've slowly realised that an admonition to stay away from public transport is putting a kneeling hold on the businesses that rely on office workers for their existence. (Yet, apparently, they're happy for us to pile onto the buses of the air provided by Ryanair and Easyjet for two to five hour journeys, with two to three toilets between us.)

So, I'm afraid, the emerging decision on permanent mask-wearing outside the home is not really based on new science, but out of desperation to make towns and cities viable again.  One day, they'll get this messaging thing right...

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