Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Not so good

The impact of coronavirus on BBC News means some significant scaling back at HQ, so that more can be produced with fewer staff.

On BBC2, The Victoria Derbyshire, Politics Live and The Andrew Neil Show get biffed, in favour of standard BBC News Channel fare. Channel programmes Newswatch, The Travel Show and HardTalk fall by the wayside.

On the World Service, World Update, Weekend and World Update take a rest. If you're listing to news summaries on the radio,  they'll all sound the same on Radio 2, 3, 4 and 5 Live from Friday - and the same words with a different voice will make do for 6Music.

Even the burgeoning world of podcasts takes a hit: The Newscast team will move to produce the Coronavirus podcast. Americast, Beyond Today and The Next Episode podcasts cease for the time being.

And the shot behind our tv newsreaders will look less populated, with staff asked to work a least one empty desk apart. The staircases will be busier - the advice is to avoid lifts, and try to keep 2 metres apart when have either a conversation or a more traditional BBC News shouting match. 

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