Thursday, March 19, 2020


It seems that the BBC is taking a paternalistic attitude to some older presenters, stopping them working whether they want to or not.

Lord Bragg, aged 80, will not be recording any more editions of In Our Time until further notice, with the regular slot relying on repeats. One presumes this will also be true for Professor Laurie Taylor (83) and Thinking Allowed. Paul Gambaccini is 70; the 23rd series of music quiz Counterpoint is scheduled to start in April; it may, of course, have been pre-recorded.  Have they spotted that boyish Paul Lewis, of MoneyBox, is in his 72nd year ?

Other Radio 4 favourites may yet have to be cosseted. Dame Jenni Murray will be 70 in May. Kate Adie of From Our Own Correspondent is 74. Harriett Gilbert, 71 and Sue MacGregor, 78, are currently handling A Good Read.

This, of course, is radio. How will BBC Content and BBC Studios be handling that most valuable asset, Sir David Attenborough, 93 ?  Where is Alan Yentob, 73 ?  Who's having the hard conversation with Julia Somerville, Angela Rippon and Gloria Hunniford ?  Who's protecting Andrew Neil, 70, from what ?

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