Monday, March 16, 2020

Dialling in

I'm a bit late for the 0900 BBC Executive call round, but here's my two-pennyworth.

  • Make sure the first Gardeners' World, this Friday, has at least half the programme devoted to planting vegetable seeds and seedlings, in containers, and gardens big and small. Create a run on seeds.
  • Tell the Match of the Day team to create new retrospective shows, like BBC4 does so well. Weekly highlights patched together from the 1999/2000 and 2009/2010 Premier League seasons, ready to run from this coming Saturday night.
  • Create an instant tv version of Dan Saladino's excellent R4 Food Programme on the possible impact of the coronavirus outbreak on our foodchain
  • Find a nightly slot between 7pm and 10pm, on BBC2 and The News Channel, for a 30m coronavirus round up, to include an edited version of the Government's briefing and more. Get Carrie Gracie to front it.
  • Bloomin' get on with a coronavirus stream on BBC Sounds, as instructed here last week.
  • Talk to the Government. Get them to drop the decriminalisation stuff for at least a year, and offer to split the loss difference on free Over 75 licences for a year, til June 2021.

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