Monday, March 16, 2020

A learning organisation

Transformation in BBC News is on hold as it wrangles with coronavirus coverage.

It will be of solace to middle and lower grade toilers that BBC News was the only news organisation with three graduates on the 2019/2020 Media Transformation Challenge (MTC) Program: A Poynter Institute Executive Fellowship, which started in Harvard, and finished at the Poynter Institute in Florida. (CNN could spare only two). There are a further two Beeboids on the overlapping 2020/2021 course - no other media organisation has supplied more than one course member.

The five are Gavin Allen, Head of News Output, Morwen Williams, Head of UK Operations News, Alex Watson, Head of Product, News, Sarah Ward-Lilley, Managing Editor News, and Allan Donald, Head of Product for Digital Publishing.


  1. Hi Bill - for all its self-satirising job titling, even the BBC might hesitate to have a Head of News Product AND a Head of Product, News - as per your list. Alex is the real Beeboid deal there. I’m the Head of News Output. That’s news programmes and channels, to you and me.

    1. Thanks, Gavin. Good to have more than one pair of eyes on my output - and yours.


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