Saturday, July 6, 2019


There's a marvellous arrogance about some BBC departments. There's a new job ad, looking for an "SSR Manager - Occupational Health Lead".

I understand Occupational Health, and for that element of the job title, the job ad and the full role specification are both quite clear. But nowhere in either is there an explanation of SSR.  A search of the BBC's wider website comes up with a news story about Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels. A search of "About the BBC" points me to a 2014 BBC Research Department paper about Soundscape Renderer and GitHub. A search of Wikipedia offers a wide range of options, from Solid State Records, a Christian record label, via Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa, Sirius Satellite Radio, through to solid state relay.

Eventually I tracked it down, in an archived job ad from 2016: "The BBC Safety, Security & Resilience (SSR) Group exists to help get programmes made for TV, Radio and On-Line: by finding safe and healthy ways to enable the creation of the distinctive and world-class content that our audiences demand; by ensuring that our people, productions and premises remain secure and on air; by being imaginative, innovative and challenging; and by delivering value for money."

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