Thursday, June 6, 2019

Wanted: Consigliere

How wonderful that Odgers Berndston are to lead the external search for a new HR Director for the BBC.  The London practice is chaired by Virginia Bottomley; the CEO is Kester Scrope.

The executive leading on HR is Aine Hurley, who recently answered the big question: "What is the one thing CEOs find essential in a new HR director ?"

“If only there were one answer. The most common we find is the emotional intelligence to act as a critical friend or consigliere to the CEO – providing true insight into the behaviours and emotional states of the rest of the ExCo; the analytical and numerical skills to be able to effectively debate the business strategy with the CEO and CFO; and the leadership impact and intellectual agility to create a truly effective multi-generational engagement culture”

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