Thursday, December 20, 2018

Hard to swallow

The BBC's own executive coaches have been conducting a new campaign against management b*llocks, or, more politely, MBA jargon, in current circulation around the Corporation.

Recent horrors they cite include...

"Let's kick the tyres on that"
"Any further questions, come and talk to myself"
"Like to take part in a conversational bounce ?"
"Not in my swim lane"
"Not enough bandwith"
"I want to remain agnostic on this one"
"Let's put a finger in the air"
"Mind Palaces"
"Digital DNA"
"Let's adopt a Goldilocks strategy - not too little and not too much"
"Iconic action"
"Bake it in"

1 comment:

  1. Dang! What shall I do with all those Bullshit Bingo cards I've had printed to occupy people in meetings?


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