Friday, November 16, 2018

Leading ?

A small coup for LBC this morning. Mrs May's media guru, Robbie Gibb (ex-BBC Politics) decided that an hour dealing direct with voters, mediated by Nick Ferrari, on LBC, was the best way to present her case today. LBC, of course, is now national, and has taken a deliberately telegenic approach to its radio studio design. TV clips are easy to take, and terrifically branded.

The BBC needs to redesign its radio studios, across all networks, for the 21st century; get rid of the pine boxes, green baize, security cameras, exhibition banners, sort out the clutter and get some decent lighting in.  On Today, she would have probably faced Nick Robinson for 15 to 20 minutes, wearing bakelite headphones, shot on the diagonal, rather than at eyeline.  TV crews, including the BBC, would be chasing all day for better shots and their own clips.

At least she wouldn't have had her clothes analysed by the Today fashion guru John Humphrys, who's been sharing thoughts with the all-new centre-right Daily Mail.

"Anyone who does not believe women and men are equal is a moron. Equal but different. I have four words to support that view. The first two are “French tuck”. That, I’m told, is the latest fashion trend - wearing your shirt with one half tucked in your waistband, and the other half hanging free.

"Apparently Meghan Markle does it, and so does Cate Blanchett — and you don’t get a greater endorsement of a fashion trend than that. 

"When men do it, it’s because we are basically slobs and we don’t even notice. When women do it (OK — some women), it’s because they want to appear fashionable. Apparently Meghan Markle does it, and so does Cate Blanchett — and you don’t get a greater endorsement of a fashion trend than that.

"The other two words are “ripped jeans”. And with that, I rest my case."

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