Monday, August 13, 2018


I'm sure everything is alright at the DCMS, but, in the list of transactions over £25,000 for July, there's a Grant-in-Aid payment to the BBC of £292,995,000. It's a big number to get in one go. Is it a late payment of the extra funding for World Service, supposed to be running at £85m a year til 2020 ?

Is it a transfer of some funds towards the over-75s licence, which Osborne and Whittingdale dumped on the BBC in the Charter deal, then later agreed to phasing ? That's supposed to total £485m in payments from the DWP in this financial year. But wait, the DWP paid the BBC £122,520 in June in respect of over-75 licences (which seems miserly).  Keep an eye on them, Anne.

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