Sunday, July 22, 2018

Integrate your world

It's not Syncopatico, quite, but the BBC is having another go at an-overarching computer system - to be called Sequence - 'an exciting pan-BBC business change and technology programme, expected to run for the next three years'.

Apparently the programme will 'design and deliver standardised ways of working and sustainable, scalable technologies'. Anyone who thought the new Terms and Conditions had already been 'designed' must be wrong-headed.

Here's just some of the things this rival to Deep Blue will do (with my parentheses):

Resource Scheduling: day-to-day operationally critical planning for content and support (rotas)

Time Management: application of new employee Terms and Conditions; management of Leave & Absence; calculation and automation of additional payments; management of TOIL; automation of cost recoveries (turning the rotas into days and hours worked, and posting it to salaries)

Capacity Planning: mid to long term strategic resource planning (working out when you've got gaps coming up in the rotas)

Management Information: richer, trusted, centralised data to inform strategic decisions (working out who's taking too much time off sick)

Three years simply not long enough, eh ?

A Syncopatico reminder, containg bad words.


  1. Watch very carefully (for I shall say this only once) the live subtitles behind the presenter - a portent of things to come...

  2. Let's hope that this one is only 'overarching' and not over-reaching like DMI


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